Creating Opportunities for Commitment
May 30, 2019
If you see an opening, you're going to act into it.
Do you suspect there are more openings than you see?
To expand and really open up taking new actions, we want to be able to expand the opportunities.
These are openings that you see. So in the word opportunity, op like optical is your eye and port like an opening.
So if you see an opening, you will act into it.
If you see an opening, you're going to act into it.
Do you suspect there are more openings than you see?
Right? Yes. There must be. And you often see this with something a friend is doing or a neighbor or another company has seen something and they're acting on it. So the name of the game is to be able to see openings and act into them and see the right ones.
To be able to do that, you have to be committed to not knowing certain things, being willing to take a risk, being willing to listen to other people.
So, sometimes doing something that you've never done before will create new openings.
Before something can be an opportunity, you have to see it as a possibility.
We have to first see something is possible and then to go beyond seeing it as possible, you actually have to commit that it's possible.
So possibility is about creating and committing to possibilities.
If you're committed to something, then you're going to create the opportunities to do it. So, I'm committed to being able to outdoor climb within the next few months. So if I'm committed to that, then I have to, well, what are the opportunities?
What are what are the things I'm going to need to do that? If I don't take the actions consistent with that, I'm not going to get the result.