Team Leadership Program

The transformational leadership paradigm is an effective approach to accomplishing ‘big’ visions based on building alliances and partnerships that promote win/win scenarios both within and across organizations.

The objectives of taking these modules are to:

  • Foster trust and respect creating alignment among the Key Leaders/Partners

  • Share a common philosophy of leadership—moving toward a transformational paradigm

  • Personal learning and growth

  • Breakthrough results with partners and team(s)

To accomplish these objectives, you will explore the essentials of leadership. You will learn how to coach others through their ongoing personal learning and development; inspire others to give their best ideas, energy and commitment; and manage your own commitments.

By expanding your understanding of leadership, you will have more awareness of your strengths and weaknesses and how they impact your ability to lead.

Expected Results

  • A renewed purpose and energy toward your job, both as an individual and while working as a team member

  • A deeper understanding and experience of what true listening is and how it impacts the effectiveness of your relationships and business results

  • A clarity about when to manage, lead, or coach and an understanding of the distinctions of each

  • Competence in facilitating and managing conversations that will produce unprecedented results

  • A new awareness of how your patterns of communication can limit your effectiveness

  • An increase in your personal power and effectiveness by fulfilling your commitments and producing breakthrough results

  • An improvement in your ability to manage commitments through preparation, negotiation, performance, and evaluation

  • An increased ability to stay centered and present under stress

Roundstone has studied, applied, tested, and perfected theories and techniques proven to move organizations from a realm of limitations, into a world of possibility.

We’ll help you better understand the importance of resilience.

At Roundstone, we believe organizations that have sustained success are those who have developed leaders with knowledge, competence and experience.