Appreciating Others and Being Appreciated
April 1, 2019
One of the important practices is appreciating and acknowledging.
This is in the relational field. This would be, you know, us getting good at both appreciating our colleagues, ourselves, our family members, and actively, actively practicing this. A lot of people tell me that they're not so good at this.
And if we look at action oriented people, you know, that are caught in the action results thing, they just wanna keep going. It's like, don't stop and thank people.
First of all, they might not work as hard.
Right? Take the edge off. And second of all, we don't have time. If you were working out and and your trainer said, this is a practice that's gonna make you stronger, you might not like it.
It might be one of those ones that you're like, this is really awkward for me. But if it makes me stronger and it makes me better, I'm gonna do it. And the more you do it, the more you become comfortable with it, you see the benefit, and and it works. So I cannot stress enough the not only the importance of acknowledging people, but the importance of taking an acknowledgment and appreciation from other people.
It's like, wow.
I have assets.
I am unique. I am making a contribution. As a matter of fact, the contribution that I'm making is making a difference. Look, people just told me it's making a difference. How can I work off of that? Right? Because so much of how we were brought up in our society is is what you're not.
It's your, deficits.
Right? You work on the deficits. It's been pointed out to you your whole life. It's it's caught up in our three circles a lot of the time. And so this idea of of experiencing appreciation can be difficult for people.