Leadership & Management Blog
The Roundstone Blog of Videos, Articles, Books & Tools
Building Authentic Trust
How trustworthy are you? How trustworthy do you want to be? What will it take to change?
Someone Moved Your Cheese. Now what?
Change triggers growth. It helps us gather momentum like a long-needed kick in the pants. Change is a shake-up from routine, comfort and the kind of inertia that sets in when we know “what to expect.”
The Web of Inclusion
A well-documented presentation of a radical way to reconfigure organizational architecture.
Transformational Leadership: The Art of Shifting Cultures
Interview with Sylvain-Yves Longval, Sheldon Division manager of Abitibi Consolidated Inc., Houston, Texas.
Alien Invasion And A Tangerine
What happens when a trigger gets pulled from the unlikeliest of places — say, a piece of fruit?
Building Trust In Business, Politics, Relationships And Life
Building Trust in Business, Politics, Relationships and Life by Robert C. Solomon and Fernando Flores takes an important, fresh and challenging look at the subject.
New Possibilities Through Intentional Action
I love it when I discover a piece of knowledge that pierces some preconception or a study that makes something difficult suddenly feel doable.
Using the Power of Language to Combat Stress, Anger, and Depression
Matthew Budd, M.D. and Larry Rothstein, Ed.D (forward by Patch Adams, M.D.) take us step by step through a proven program of learning, observation, and change, which can alter the way we live our lives.
Uncomplicate the Complicated
Doctor and writer Atul Gawande suggests we take a step back and look at new ways to do medicine
Attention Training: 10 Minutes to Less Stress
Attention Training calms the body and mind. It is an excellent tool for letting go of stress.
Interview with Leslie Tucker
Tim Wick interviews Leslie Tucker, CEO of Roundstone international.
The Ten Stages of Learning
Unfortunately, there is no “fast food” version of learning; it takes time, patience, and practice!
Stand Up For Yourself
What If You Knew What You Wanted Out Of Life And Went For It? What If You Stood Up For Yourself And Refused To Sit Back Down?
How Moods Affect Work
The mood you or your team are in is a reflection of what you are saying and thinking about the future.
Transforming Organizational Culture: Getting from Here to There
When we talk of transforming the culture of an organization, we are referring to the systems, beliefs and ways of doing things (or not doing things) that live beyond its individuals, yet shape what is possible for them.
How to Make a Powerful Proactive Offer
Proactive offers embody the spirit of customer service and strengthen your ability to build relationships.
We’re Not Just Talking Heads
We have noticed many benefits from bringing the entire body into the learning process.
Transformational Leadership: Share The Vision By Embodying It
This practice has sustained a remarkably low turnover with many of the young adults who are attracted to working at grocery store.
Poetry: Business of the Past, Present, Future
It’s essential to talk about how most people live from their pasts even while they are in the present.
Gather Powerful Insights and Create a Better Experience for Your Team
With Roundstone’s hands-on employee and management training techniques, gain the insight you need to prevent team burnout, improve morale, and stop premature turnover in its tracks.