How to Handle Being Triggered

October 16, 2019

We often find ourselves in situations where we are triggered by outside influences. In that moment, our view of the world and our view of ourselves are skewed by something that we perceive as a threat.


How do I handle being triggered?

It's a system that has patterns to it, it has, you know, stories built into it, muscular, biological, physical reactions. It's very well developed, it's like a really big muscle. It's really highly developed and highly sensitive. So it's on search all the time, so that if there's a threat it goes off.

Your ability to interrupt that and slow it down and having a relationship with it, and be able to see it for what it is is your kind of the way you're gonna get free from it, moment by moment. I mean it's not gonna go away. I just was thinking about this idea of sometimes, we're surprised by the things that threaten us. So, the self inflection is always not on bad, on to blame, it's wow, it's more this curiosity.

Oh, look at me, I just really, was wound up. It was taking me for a ride, I couldn't sleep for three days, I couldn't -(students laughing) I was waking up writing emails and I'm like, what is that about? It's not about that. It's not happening out there. It's not causing me to be like that out there.

It's just a key. So when you can see that then you have a lot of choice.

Lara Dickson


Hailing from Vermont, USA, Lara Dickson is a ravenous Squarespace designer and enthusiast, Certified Squarespace SEO Expert, Squarespace Circle member, graphic designer, former organic vegetable and heritage breed pig farmer.


Relational Fields


Mindful Speaking Part 5: Empathy