Coaches Corner: Complaints to Commitments

March 23, 2017


Let's talk about this idea that behind every complaint is a commitment. Because that might sound a bit strange when you first hear it. Think of it this way, if you weren't committed to something you wouldn't care so you wouldn't complain about it. But we often get stuck in the just the complaining part. For instance, let's say I'm complaining that it's too cold in here.


Well, what's my commitment?

To be warm, to be comfortable.

I want then I want to make a request. Making requests for getting warm, making requests to turn up the heat.

Let's say I'm at work and I'm complaining that I don't feel challenged at work.

If I get stuck in that complaint I'm going to start blaming people, I'm going to start feeling bad, I'm gonna feel like a victim, not not gonna get anywhere. But if I ask myself well what's out of sync here for me? What is it that I'm really committed to?

Let's say what I'm really committed to is making a contribution or having satisfaction in my job.

I'm committed to that. I'm committed to having satisfaction not I'm committed to you making sure I'm satisfied. When it's my commitment then I can make a request.

Lara Dickson


Hailing from Vermont, USA, Lara Dickson is a ravenous Squarespace designer and enthusiast, Certified Squarespace SEO Expert, Squarespace Circle member, graphic designer, former organic vegetable and heritage breed pig farmer.


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