Dance Floor of Life

October 22, 2018

Having a hard time "dancing" through the day with coworkers? These 4 simple "moves" make day-to-day interactions in the office so much easier!


We all have a dance floor of life. Each and every one of us. You want your dance floor to be big and clean and well lit. What happens on our dance floor of life is that through time when things happen that are unresolved or are difficult for us, sometimes our floor gets smaller instead of bigger.

So stuff gets on our dance floor of life. Some of those things are from the past. Things that you have not given up or that are in your way. You can kind of think of those as dead bodies on your dance floor of life which represent people you have never forgiven.

Or things you've never gotten over. So they're sort of constraining you. The other thing you want is moves so that you can do all sorts of dances with different people in different situations. You have flexibility, you have freedom, and you're expanding and growing.

Well in relationships and in life, there are things and what we call practices that can really make you a better dancer, a better partner with yourself and others in life. So life can be fun if you practice these four moves on a regular basis. Apologizing, forgiving, appreciating, and acknowledging. Apologizing is when you have made a mistake or shown poor judgment or offended someone.

You either have been told or you have recognized this. An apology is when you're acknowledging what it is that you did. It's not simply saying I'm sorry. It's saying what it is that you're apologizing for.

Forgiving. When someone else has made a mistake or someone else has hurt you or shown poor judgment or offended you and they apologize, quickly forgive them. Graciously forgive them. And even if they don't apologize, you can forgive.

There are people or circumstances in our lives that we will never be able to talk to the other person or never see them again. They might actually not even be on this earth anymore. And the ability to forgive them or to apologize is still important. Appreciating is thanking people.

And appreciating the contribution that they're making to a project or to you individually. And you're graciously appreciating people. You could be appreciating the things in life that are really going well. Acknowledging is when you acknowledge events like birthdays, good things that are happening, could be that you're acknowledging someone for something that they'd done for you.

You could be acknowledging something that's not working. It's really the idea of being up to date with what's going on. So if you can practice those four moves on a regular basis you will be more vibrant, more alive, and free to dance in your dance floor of life.

Lara Dickson


Hailing from Vermont, USA, Lara Dickson is a ravenous Squarespace designer and enthusiast, Certified Squarespace SEO Expert, Squarespace Circle member, graphic designer, former organic vegetable and heritage breed pig farmer.


Listening and Interpretation


Breaches in Trust