Mindful Speaking Part 2: Paraphrasing
January 31, 2023
Learn to "paraphrase". Show another that you are willing to transcend your own thoughts and feelings for the moment, and understand their point of view.
Mindful speaking part two is paraphrasing.
Paraphrasing is saying what you just heard from the speaker, saying it back in your own words.
It often is a condensed kind of, comment or or thought, but it's coming from what the speaker said. And this is very useful because what you're demonstrating when you do that is that you heard them.
And when people feel heard, you're building trust and you're expanding in many ways their own understanding of what they're saying and what they're thinking.
You're not interpreting.
You're not changing it based on what you think. You're not giving an opinion. You're simply saying back to them what you heard them say.
And this is a direct demonstration of trust and respect.