Risk, Trust, and the Foundation of Results
August 14, 2024
Talking about the foundation for results and how important the relational field is and how you need to have trust and communication, they're like, yeah. But one of the people I'm supposed to be trusting aren't trustworthy or don't feel trustworthy and safe to me.
They're talking a little bit more about sharing their sharing more details about their lives and how they really think about stuff. It's risky to be open with people. However, if you're closed and you're not sharing yourself and you're not you're not willing to take that risk, there's so much to lose by not doing it. And and and I would say it more even from your own experience.
If you're not connecting with people at work, then your experience at work is going to be less satisfactory to you, and you're not gonna probably go as far because people need to get to know you. It is part of how people build trust with you. It it's kind of like, you know, we're we get concerned about, like, how does it make me feel? Okay.
So here's the other thing I would I would say. We get concerned with how we feel. If you're not open with someone, it affects how they feel about you. So you could appear standoffish or you could appear very, you know, superficial.
Like, you're just gonna do your job and nothing else. Not only are you not bonding with people, people can't bond and feel safe with you. So that's where I think it's it becomes it becomes a catch twenty two that if you're not willing to open up and share the idea is not to share the intimate details of your life or anything you're not comfortable with. We do something in our trainings called breaking the ice questions that are, you know, who's your favorite teacher and why?
What's your favorite color? What's your and this is more just helping people to get to know you, maybe some ventures you've taken so you can also learn how to share parts of yourself and maintain privacy at the same time, if that helps.
Yeah. It does. And I've tried to I've tried to say that to people. I think it's because when when we are in a situation where, for whatever reason, it doesn't feel like our authentic self will be accepted or or that something might get used against us.
We tend to look only at the other people and not so much at, like, what am I bringing to the table and how am I contributing to the culture, especially when it's when you're new to a team or something like that. But I think it's it's not as obvious to people to think about how am I showing up that is actually creating more of this experience I don't want. Yeah. So I'm glad you said it like that.